Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What a Month!!!

Phew! What a month it has been. It all started with me giving the best competitive exam of my life. Then, came the various entrance exam results. The proverbial feline which haunts the dreams of many a management aspirant had spat and clawed at me, causing me to emerge badly scarred. Never again am I going to go near that one! JMET was decent enough that I could harbour expectations of getting calls from at least some of the lesser fancied IITs. SNAP yielded what I thought was a good result. Unfortunately, SIBM and SCMHRD did not concur.

Then, on a nice and wintry Friday evening, PG started flashing that XAT results were out. With increasing trepidation, I checked out my performance. My confidence at the beginning of the month was vindicated. I had a call from XLRI! Whew…my first call! I immediately enrolled for GD/PI prep at the same place RMLR attended last year. Little did I know that they were %#^%#$#* slave drivers!!! I could kill RMLR now! ( I know…I know, it will help me blah…blah…blah, but hey, that doesn’t mean I wont enjoy killing RMLR if I see him anytime next month! :-D)

And now, for the icing on the cake. I just found out that I had secured an ‘A’ on the BEC Higher exam, conducted by the British Council! Come to think of it, I don’t think I have had a better month, ever!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

So, we are finally into 2008. Now, as I look back at 2007, I feel that I didn't really achieve much. I mean I missed out on getting into a good mgmt. institute, there wasn't much value addition in terms of my job, either. Hell, even the New Year's Eve party I attended last night seemed lame. But, that is probably because I am sub-consciously comparing it to the fun I had during Christmas with SSV and SSV(female).

But then, there is a whole new year, with a whole new basket of opportunities to look forward to. Maybe, I will finally get into mgmt. Whatever the case, I hope the year makes me a better person. Here's to 2008!!!
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