Thursday, August 02, 2007


She came and sat next to me in the bus, at Opera House. Her hair was a radiant brown and it gave off a nice and flowery fragrance. She had fixed it atop her head with a nice butterfly clip, but a few stray wisps fell around her small face, framing it nicely. A hint of a smile played on her lips as she swayed slightly to the tune of the music on her Walkman phone. She answered a call in a lilting feminine voice which, for no reason, brought a smile to my face. She accidentally brushed my foot and apologised with so much sincerity in her soft brown eyes that I couldn't get a coherent word out! Suddenly, I was glad I had a big office bag in my lap.

All too soon, VT arrived and she got off. The bus sped along mercilessly, hurrying me to my office two stops ahead!
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