Monday, July 13, 2009

The Long Shower

Sometimes I wonder why I like to take a long shower so much. It's certainly not because I want to be squeaky clean. Just clean enough to move around in civilised circles is enough for me. It's also not because I feel good under the shower. Although the latter may be partly true, I start feeling uncomfortable after a few minutes.

Why then do I still spend so much time under that high pressure jet of water? Perhaps it's because it gives me the chance to be truly alone, to think quietly without any fear of disturbance, to ponder over what may have been. Or maybe it's because I still cant get her image out of my head - first wet JLT, her hair falling over her face in a cute manner, her enthusiasm to dance not waning with the increasing intensity of the water cascading over the dance floor, the cute way in which she scrunches up her face when asked if she wants a drink, the tinkling sound she makes when she laughs. Maybe it's because I know that it's not possible, not just because of my lack of self-confidence, but also because of the knowledge that we want different things and that too in different places. Perhaps its for the best that I couldn't whip out my trusty Canon today because of the rain and capture her ecstasy for eternity. Maybe I enjoy the long shower because my lachrymal glands are given free rein with none the wiser, sometimes not even me!

Maybe I like it because the shower doesn't judge lets me be!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The XIMB Chronicles - VI

For some weird reason, I decided to check out my own blog today. To my surprise, I found that I had not blogged in more than 2 months! That sure is a long time and not surprisingly, a lot has happened in the meanwhile. For starters, I am done with my internship and am back at XIMB for my second year. I have stayed in Pune for almost 3 months, having gone there feeling happy that I would get to spend some time with someone I am really close to - my best mate. I have come back with, admittedly, a bit of that and memories of time spent with another person who I can say I am very glad to have initially befriended during that wintry holiday in Joka. My 26th birthday passed by on the 1st of July and I sang to myself that timeless tune originally conceived by the Hill sisters, feeling happy that around 50% of the people who mattered called at midnight (the rest messaged) while I was in the middle of an IlluminatiX meeting, with none the wiser! It was like my own little secret and I somehow derived some ridiculous childish pleasure out of it. Maybe Sissy can throw some light on the reasons for this weird behaviour. But then, when HAS my behaviour been called normal?

Anyway, I am digressing. The other big thing that has happened is that my application for an exchange programme with a French university has been accepted and I will be going for a term to the IESEG School of Management in Lille, France from September to December. Right now, only the tickets to Paris have been finalised and we know for sure that we (6 students from XIMB, incl. me) will be flying out to Paris from Mumbai/Delhi on the 19th of September. Accommodation still remains an issue, but we are hoping that something will work out. Let's see what happens. The only thing that remains after that is the tour planning. Unfortunately, the Eurail pass will not be available at a discount for me due to the passage of a certain event mentioned earlier in this post. Still, this is a once in a lifetime chance and I shall certainly not be hesitant in taking it! Europe, anyone? :D
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