Sunday, June 18, 2006

6 weird things about me

Got tagged by Shainu to pen down 6 weird things about myself. Somehow, I have a VERY bad feeling that this one is not going to go too well.....Hey I got the first one...

  1. I generally tend to believe in my inability to do things......(now go and figure that one out)!!!
  2. I absolutely HATE it when someone leaves a book lying around on the floor.
  3. I cant stand it if someone apart from my Dad so much as touches the steering wheel / pedals of my car. Actually, the exception for Dad is coz he err....owns the car (put your own recollection of an embarassed smile here) !!!
  4. I suck at quizzes that matter, yet I like to believe that I am one of the world's best quizzers.
  5. My right foot starts vibrating horribly after a close shave while driving.
  6. I absolutely LOVE to pull chubby cheeks, but despise it when someone attempts to do the same to me. (My friend, A and Mom will fume at me, if they see this!!!)
Now, the principle of tagging stipulates that I tag 6 other people. However, taking into consideration the abysmal no. of people actually bothering to read this blog, that is going to be one hell of a difficult task. Still, I'll try. So, I tag


Everyman said...

Your right foot vibrates?? I have problems with my thigh(dont know if it's the left or right) when i get into a similar situation!

And hey..if u want your taggin to succeed, u need to go to their blogs and tell them! Riaan though, doesnt seem to be too inspired to blog :)

Sumo said...

@Shainu : Me new to tagging. Plus this blog is nt as well-read as urs...I simply blog for my own pleasure.

Everyman said...

Sumo - You can call my blog well read if 7-8 faithful readers are a sizable audience :)) simple way to increase reader size is to tell ur friends who blog..hehe!

PS: I started bloggin as a means of 'own pleasure' is still that, though now at times i feel i am an exhibitionist!

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