Thursday, November 03, 2005

The B Chronicles No. 1

Report to Bombay branch at xxxxxx address on 31st Oct, 2005, said the transfer letter. The "show" began at 0930 hrs sharp. Some 10 presentations, a veggie lunch and a couple o' cups of tea later, we were done. The difference?? I began to love my bed at home even more!!! Presentations by various depts and GLs of imp projects!!!!???? Couldn't they think of something better than that? Gimme a break!!!

After all this, we came to know that our allocations were not yet done. Wow, what a won-derrr-fullll day it was!!! The only silver lining?? We don't need to report until next Monday. Happy Diwali to me!!!!

1 comment:

V said...

u bugger are STILL to start working ??

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