Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Chronicle No. 12

Had the second consecutive of DBMS today. As expected, boring!!!! These faculty will make good parents. I mean they are soooo good at singing lullabies that their children will never have any problems sleeping. An instant sleeping pill anyone???

The day ended with Japanese. T'was a nice session and we got the results of our first class quiz. Thankfully, I did pretty well. Hmm....thats "Arigatou Gozaimashta" to "Matsuimoto Sensei"!!! (BTW, all are free to try their hands at translation in the comments section at the bottom of this post.) It seems that we have to answer a quiz at the beginning of every session of Japanese, henceforth. Guess, that's the only way we will "condescend" to revise the previous session's work!!!

We have Testing tomorrow, and we start with Written Communication & Effective Technical Writing. Why do I feel as if I never left college??


Riaan Roving said...

im sure your japanese will inspire INTRIGUE-u know wat i mean-dont take it 2 hart.

Sumo said...

thats futrez-vous 2 u!!!! Plz dont take that to heart!!! :-D

Sumo said...

thats futrez-vous 2 u!!!! Plz dont take that to heart!!! :-D

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