Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Urgently Required - A Govt. for Bombay

Finally, Bombay is recovering from the deluge that submerged it for the past week. A lot of aspects of the average citizen of this megapolis have come to the fore. Be it the generosity of the people towards strangers, their willingness to help, their propensity to spread rumours or their eagerness to pose as victims and get undeserved aid, you got it all. But, amongst all this, one thing was missing - the so-called Govt. machinery. Where were those cars with flashing lights that we normally see on the roads? Where were those stupid village yokels who call themselves ministers and attend every opening of a flyover or a road? Where were those "Mamas" who are always eager to stop you if you dare to break a traffic rule? I am sure these questions are being asked not only by me, but also by thousands of my fellow citizens.

All this leads me to think. The State and Union Govt.s impose a variety of taxes on us, and manage to fill their coffers. However, very little is pumped back into the upkeep of the city. Where does all this leave us? I certainly feel shortchanged. How can Bombay be ruled effectively by a bunch of guys elected from villages, who don't have any idea as to how the city functions? What we need is a Govt. by our own people. We need a separate city state of Bombay a la Delhi. Then, our rulers will be truly answerable to us. We need a mayor with executive powers a la New York, who will be elected directly by the people. The entire BMC has to be restructured. Its current Commissioner has failed us miserably. In June, he was calling press conferences and tom-tomming the preparedness of the BMC for the coming rains. Well, Mr. Joseph, how does your foot taste?? Bitter, I think!! These guys hold us to ransom every year before Diwali and now, when they are needed the most, they disappear into thin air!! Alright, the rainfall was the highest in a century, but the extent of the catastrophe could have been curbed.

I thin its high time all this changed. I want a Govt. of my own for my city. I want a CEO who will be answerable to me, and whom I can oust if he/she fails me. Silly thoughts?? Naah....more like a Utopian concept. One which I hope will come true in a decade's time.

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