Friday, February 25, 2005

Project Work?? You must be Joking!!!

Today, the day started off on a rather boring note with MMM engaging an extra lecture. However, it was not as boring as expected and we never came to know when the lecture got over. Had to wait for a long time after that for project work as PHS seemed to be very busy.

SC came today as he, JD, V, P, RK, RS, M, SCH and SC had made plans to go and watch BLACK. Their program almost got cancelled as PHS played truant and did not allow M, RK and SCH to leave early. Anyway, all's well that ends well. They all got to go finally and hence, their day was made.

As regards my project, PHS was very busy with some sort of election today and hence, could not devote any time to our project. I, R, T and ST waited for him for a long time but, to no avail. Well, as it is, we have hardly ever got much work done on a project day. Much of the actual work gets done on working days. After all, PHS has to be different.

Things were not very good on the home front either with me getting a vehement NO from Dad to bring along the car to college on the BE farewell day. Well, I guess I will have to bide my time until I can call the shots. My time will surely come!!!


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